We are happy to share new translations of our Staying Safe in Hospital Booklets and Take Action! Guide to Health Complaints in the ACT in Easy Read!

Easy Read documents use simple language, clear formatting and images to make it easier for people with intellectual disability, cognitive impairment or limited English to understand. We have translated these documents so that more people can understand their rights in health care and stay safe while using health care services.

Download them below or contact us to order some paper copies.

Staying Safe in Hospital Booklets

These guides are designed to help you stay safe before, during, and after your stay. They cover:

  • Your rights and responsibilities
  • Tips to help you prepare for your stay
  • Tips on being involved in your care
  • Some common safety issues and how to prevent them
  • What to do when you go home
  • Useful contacts

Download each booklet:

  1. Staying Safe: Going to Hospital – Easy Read
  2. Staying Safe: In Hospital – Easy Read
  3. Staying Safe: At Home – Easy Read

Take Action! Guide to Health Care Complaints and Feedback in the ACT

These resources will help you:

  • Decide if you want to give feedback or make a complaint,
  • Find advice and support, and
  • Work out what is the best action for your individual circumstances.

This Guide is made up of 5 factsheets. You can download all factsheets in one file or download each factsheet:

  1. About Health Complaints and Feedback – Easy Read
  2. Making a Complaint about a health professional – Easy Read
  3. Tips for Making a Complaint – Easy Read
  4. What to expect from your complaint – Easy Read
  5. Your Medical Records – Easy Read

These translations were funded by a Disability Inclusion Grant from the ACT Community Services Directorate.

Last Updated on 18 July, 2024.

About the Author: C Moore

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Last Updated on 18 July, 2024.