Feedback and complaints

Feedback and complaints

Health care in Canberra is usually very safe and high quality. But things can go wrong, even in the best health services. Your feedback, complaints, or compliments can help improve health care for everyone.

You have a right to make a complaint or give feedback. This can:

  • Help fix the problem
  • Stop it happening again
  • Make health care better for everyone

When you make a complaint or give feedback:

  • Your concerns must be addressed in a transparent, timely way
  • It must not negatively affect the way you are treated
  • You have a right to share your experience to improve the quality of health care

You have these rights wherever you get health care.  They are part of the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights. Read more about your rights in health care in the ACT on the Health Care Rights page.

A guide to health complaints and feedback in the ACT

We have worked with consumers and service providers to develop some resources to help you:

  • Decide if you want to give feedback or make a complaint,
  • Find advice and support, and
  • Work out what is the best action for your individual circumstances.

This Guide is made up of 6 factsheets and a directory. You can either download the complete Take Action! Guide to Health Complaints and Feedback in the ACT, or each of the tip sheets separately.

The guide is also available in Easy Read. Easy Read resources use simple language, clear formatting and images to make it easier for people with intellectual disability, cognitive impairment or limited English to understand.

Disclaimer: These guides are provided for advice only. Using these guides does not guarantee a particular outcome for your complaint.

  1. Health complaints and feedback in Canberra
  2. How to make a complaint about a health professional
  3. Health complaints and feedback for carers, family and friends
  4. Tips for making a complaint
  5. What to expect in response to a complaint
  6. How to request access or a change to your medical record

You can also download individual Easy Read factsheets.

  1. About Health Complaints and Feedback – Easy Read
  2. Making a Complaint about a health professional – Easy Read
  3. Tips for Making a Complaint – Easy Read
  4. What to expect from your complaint – Easy Read
  5. Your Medical Records – Easy Read

The Directory lists contact details for:

  • Organisations that can help you with a complaint or a problem in health care
  • The complaints and feedback processes of most hospitals and larger health services in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
  • what to do if you, or someone you care about, is getting sicker while they are in hospital.

Take Action! Mental health care complaints in the ACT

This Guide focuses on making complaints about mental health services and where you can get specific support for mental health complaints. You can download the complete guide or each factsheet separately:

  1. Is there a problem with your mental health care?
  2. How to make a complaint about a mental health professional in the ACT
  3. How to raise a concern about In-patient mental health care
  4. Information for carers, nominated persons, family and friends
  5. Advocacy – How to improve the mental health system in the ACT
  6. Mental Health Complaints Matter

Who can I contact to give feedback on a health service?

Canberra Health Service has an online feedback form that we encourage people to use. You can also find paper feedback forms at most public health services or give feedback through the ACT Health app.

You can also contact the Consumer Feedback and Engagement Team by phone on (02) 5124 5932 or email [email protected].

The ACT Human Rights Commission handles complaints about health services in the ACT. It also deals with complaints relating to your health record.

Complaints related to health services are dealt with by the Health Services Commissioner, Karen Toohey. The Commissioner can deal with complaints about all health services provided in the ACT – public and private. This includes services provided at a hospital, general practice, or by any individual registered practitioners.

You can choose to make a complaint to the ACT Human Rights Commission via their online form or over the phone on 02 6205 2222.

If you have any questions about the complaint process or need help completing the form, you can talk to the intake team by phoning 6205 2222 or you can email your questions or concerns to [email protected].

Not happy with the care you got from an individual health professional? You can also find information on making a complaint about an individual health professional by contacting the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Anyone can make a complaint or raise a concern about a registered health practitioner or student with AHPRA. If you’re concerned about the health, conduct or performance of a registered health practitioner or student, you can let AHPRA know via their website or by phoning 1300 419 495.

If you would like to make a complaint or raise a concern about a registered health practitioner or student in NSW, contact:

Last Updated on 18 July, 2024.