About Canberra Health Literacy Hub

About Canberra Health Literacy Hub

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The Canberra Health Literacy Hub was developed by the Health Care Consumers Association (HCCA) with support from the ACT Health Directorate.  

This website is a central point for health literacy information, training and resources for the ACT.  It aims to: 

  • raise awareness of health literacy issues;  
  • support improved health literacy skills in consumers, carers, health care professionals and community support groups or organisations; and  
  • provide health literacy resources for consumer organisations, community services, health professionals and consumers.  

This website began as part of the Community Health Literacy Project, which was a HCCA project, funded by the ACT Government.  The project’s aim was to “help patients better navigate our health system”.  

The Community Health Literacy Project 

The Community Health Literacy Project ran from 2019-2023 and included: 

  • An environmental scan of community health literacy strengths and opportunities in the ACT (2019) which
    • analysed community health literacy strengths, challenges and priorities for ACT communities, 
    • reviewed health literacy initiatives in the ACT, Australia and internationally, and 
    • identified priority initiatives to improve health literacy in the ACT. 
  • A draft Health Literacy Framework for the ACT Health Directorate  
  • The Canberra Health Literacy Network, which will provide learning and development opportunities for health and community professionals and people involved in consumer organisations.  
  • A training package to assist community sector workers to support the health literacy of people who use their services.  
  • A Consumer Complaints Guide.
  • 3 booklets on Staying Safe when you go to hospital

HCCA continues to maintain and update this website as part of our Health Literacy Program.

About the Health Care Consumers’ Association 

The Health Care Consumers’ Association (HCCA) is a health promotion organisation that provides a voice for consumers on local health issues.  It provides opportunities for health care consumers in the ACT to take part in health service planning, policy development and decision making. HCCA works to improve the quality and availability of health services, supports consumers to identify shared health priorities, and represents these views to the ACT Government. 

HCCA is the peak consumer organisation in the ACT and involves consumers through: 

  • consumer representation, 
  • consultations and research, 
  • training in health care rights and navigating the health system, 
  • community forums, 
  • information sessions about health issues, and 
  • advocating on issues of concern to consumers. 

HCCA works with the ACT community to advocate for improvements in the quality and safety of health services and to promote equity of access.   

As a health promotion organisation, we work within a framework that is based on the social determinants of health.  We recognise the impact of economic, social, cultural, environmental and political factors on the health of individuals. We advocate for policies that enhance equal opportunities and the allocation of resources so that all people can achieve their fullest health potential.  

We work closely with our members, local communities, the ACT Government, service providers, media and nongovernment and voluntary organisations to provide coordinated action to improve the quality and safety of health services. 

For more information about HCCA’s current projects and activities, or to sign up for our Consumer Bites newsletter, please head over to our website at: www.hcca.org.au/ 

Last Updated on 22 January, 2025.