Search the Resources Hub
Search the Resources Hub
You can use this page to view and search all of the resources in our resource hub.
- HCCA Consumer and Carer Resources
HCCA has published more resources for Consumers and Carers, including factsheets, templates and videos, on our website.
- HCCA Youtube Channel
You can watch recordings of our health information sessions and videos from HCCA's members on our Youtube Channel.
- Staying Safe: Consumer Guides to Staying in Hospital
HCCA has worked with consumers in the ACT to adapt three guides and a tipsheet for people going into hospital. These guides are designed to help you stay safe before, during, and after your stay.
- Take action! A Guide to health complaints and feedback in the ACT
We've created several tipsheets and a directory on giving feedback and making complaints in health services in the ACT. These include where to make a complaint, how to write it and what you might expect in response. There are also tailored tipsheets for mental health services.
- Choosing Wisely Australia
Choosing Wisely Australia has a range of resources to help you work out what information you need and what questions to ask before you agree to any tests or treatments. They also have some tips for communicating with your health care provider.
- healthdirect Question Builder
A free online tool to help you think about questions you might like to ask your doctor, and to prepare for any questions they may ask you when you go to an appointment. The tool was developed for Australian consumers by healthdirect Australia and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
- Council for Intellectual Disability’s Health Resources
CID has easy read health information about things like:
- Recording your health information
- Understanding your medication
- Finding a new doctor.
- HCCA Easy Read Resources
HCCA has translates resources into easy read on staying safe in hospital and complaints in the ACT Health Care system.
- Evaluating Health Claims – How to decide if they are legitimate
A guide produced by The Centre for Research and Evidence Based Practice at Bond University gives some useful tips on identifying bogus health claims and assessing the value of health claims made in the media or online.
- Healthy Horizons
Healthy Horizons is a website for women from refugee and migrant backgrounds developed by Harmony Alliance and RANZCOG. It has easy, in-language, video and text information on a variety of issues. The topics include contraception, sexual health, mental health, skin health, breast cancer, rare diseases, and more. You can also read the site in Arabic or Simplified Chinese.
- Pathology Tests Explained
Pathology Tests Explained offers unbiased education and information about pathology tests. It includes what test might be used for a conditions, how the tests are done and how to understand the results. You can search their website by the name of a test or condition or even the acronyms from your test form.
- Searching the Internet for Health and Wellbeing Information
A fact sheet from the Good Things Foundation provides some basic tips to help find good sources of information on the internet.
- The European Food Information Council: Understanding Science Resources
The European Food Information Council, EUFIC, is a non-profit organisation that provides easy to understand science-based information. They produce a range of resources for consumers to help them find and understand health information. Including: finding reliable information online, understanding scientific studies, understanding risk, the difference between correlation and causation.
- Trust It or Trash It?
A free online tool for assessing the value of information. It asks three basic questions: Who said it? When did they say it? How did they know?
- Health Care for People Who Need Extra Support (2022)
This Guide, developed by Dr Rachel Skoss at Notre Dame University, is for anyone supporting a person with intellectual disability or a person who needs support to understand and navigate the health system. It is a guide to health literacy which includes practical information and links to resources to build the person’s knowledge and skills in managing their own health and support them to navigate the health system.
- Health Literacy – a summary for consumers
Published by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC).
- Health Translations
An initiative of the Victorian Government. They provide health professionals and community members with reliable, accurate, and up to date health and wellbeing information in over 100 languages. The website provides a link to multilingual resources published by government departments, peak health bodies, hospitals, and community health and welfare organisations.
- Northern NSW Health Literacy
Northern NSW Health Literacy is a good source of information on health literacy and has a range of tools for consumers to help build their health literacy skills. Their PLAN handout is a helpful tool for patients to get the most from a health care appointment. It give suggestions for how to prepare, what information you might need, some questions to ask, and room to write down some of the answers.
- First Do No Harm: A guide to choosing wisely in general practice
Produced by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), First do no harm: A guide to choosing wisely in general practice is a resource focused on reducing patient harms and avoiding low-value care. This online, ‘living’ resource will provide both general practitioners (GPs) and patients with information on:
- overused tests
- overdiagnosed and overtreated conditions
- interventions with insufficient evidence.
Importantly, First do no harm is designed to enable positive and constructive conversations between GPs and patients, providing information and tools to assist in shared decision making. First do no harm will help empower patients to make informed and balanced decisions about their health, including information they should consider asking their GP.
- The BRAIN Informed Decision Making tool
This tool could help you work your way through a difficult decision. It can help you collect information and clarify your thoughts about an important decision.
- NPS Medicinewise
The NPS MedicineWise website has a range of helpful information on managing your medications. Good medicine management can help you to get the most benefit from your medicines and reduce your chances of mishaps that can cause side effects or harmful interactions. One of the tools they have developed is the MedicineWise app for smart phones. The MedicineWise app will help you keep track of your medicines and access important health info anytime and anywhere, especially in emergencies.
- Patient friendly medication lists by medication
- Patient friendly medication lists by time of day
- Making Sense of Your Health Risk
A good summary of how to understand health risks produced by the National Institute of Health in the United States.
- Understanding how risk is discussed in healthcare
A summary produced by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the United Kingdom.
- CAHPS Health Literacy Item Sets
The Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in the US has developed some survey questions to measure the health literacy of communication between clinicians and patients. The goal of these questions is to capture the patients’ perspective on how well health information is communicated to them by health care professionals. They are useful as a measure of whether health care professionals have succeeded in reducing the health literacy demands they place on patients and as a quality improvement tool.
Providers can use patients’ responses to identify factors that may be affecting their scores on the survey’s communication measure and to improve their health literacy practices. For example, based on their survey results, providers could do the following:
- Identify specific topic areas for quality improvement (e.g., communication about test results, medications, and forms).
- Recognize particular behaviours that inhibit effective communication (e.g., talking too fast, using medical jargon).
- Assist in designing a safer, shame-free environment where patients feel comfortable discussing their health care concerns (e.g., showing interest in questions, explaining forms).
- Measure the effect of behaviours that promote effective communication (e.g., confirming understanding through teach-back, using visual aids).
- Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health
A Victorian community organisation that aims to improve the health and well being of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. They offer cultural responsiveness training and have a number of resources for health providers.
- Communicating Risk to Patients (2014)
This guide was developed for the Irish College of General Practitioners.
This quick reference document focuses on the issue of communicating risk to patients in an effective way. It aims to provide the tools to: Calculate the natural risk of common clinical conditions; Calculate the impact of interventions; Use clear, concise, easily understood language to convey risk information; Use online resources and patient visual decision aids to convey risk information.
- Communicating Risks and Benefits: An Evidence-Based User’s Guide (2011)
This guide developed by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) covers basic background information on various aspects of communicating about risk in a variety of settings.
- Exploring good practice use of group identity labels to represent people of diverse sexualities, genders, bodies and relationships (2021)
A discussion paper developed by Meridian ACT. This paper presents the most up-to-date research on emerging practices in terminology use, offering an essential resource to organisations wishing to connect with the diverse communities they serve. This paper aims to foster and inform conversations about what terms are most appropriate when referring to people of diverse sexualities, genders, sex characteristics and relationships.
- Guide to Producing and Sourcing Quality Health Information (2019)
The guide was developed for Victorian health services by the Centre for Health Communication and Participation, La Trobe University.
The Guide is based on Guideline in four key action areas: Governance, Partnering with consumers, Supporting health literacy, and Sharing resources. You can use this Guide to implement one or more of the Guidelines in your health service or use it as a self assessment tool to review your policies and practice against the Guidelines. Each of the four key guidelines has been mapped against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.
The Guide includes a Self-evaluation Toolkit and links to resources about interpersonal communication for health professionals.
The Guide covers health information presented in a variety of formats – print, digital, video and audio – and can be used by consumers, carers, clinicians and health administrators working to improve the quality of health information in their service.
- Making Data Talk – A Workbook (2011)
This resource, produced in the US by the National Cancer Institute, provides key information, practical suggestions, and examples on how to effectively communicate health-related scientific data to the public, policy makers, and the media.
- Ophelia (Optimising Health Literacy and Access)
The Ophelia project (Optimising Health Literacy and Access), run as a collaboration between Deakin University, Monash University, the Victorian Government and eight community sector organisations in Victoria, has developed a range of health literacy tools for Australia. The tools have been tested and validated in a number of different settings and countries. The tools include:
- Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ):
- Measures broad components that contribute to individual health literacy, rather than just literacy and numeracy skills.
- Provides information about what needs to be done to improve systems and services to support health literacy [i].
- It can be used for both individuals and communities.
- Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ):
- Evaluates health education and self-management programs
- Information and Support for Health Actions Questionnaire (ISHA-Q):
- Can be used for individuals and communities
- Was designed for cultures that often make decisions as a group
- eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ), Readiness and Enablement Index for Health Technology (READHY) & the Organisational Health Literacy Responsiveness Tool (Org-HLR):
- Helps organisations assess strengths and areas for further development in relation to systems, processes and practices
- Suits all organisations that play a role in providing health and health-related information, services and programs to individuals and communities
You can find out more about the tools and request access to them from the Centre for Global Health and Equity at Swinburne University.
- Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ):
- Sydney Health Literacy Lab
The Sydney Health Literacy Lab is located within the University of Sydney School of Public Health and the Westmead Health Literacy Hub. They conduct research into a wide range of health literacy and patient engagement areas. The Lab is also a founding partner of Wiser Healthcare, an Australian research collaboration investigating overdiagnosis and overtreatment.
You can review the results of their research and published articles here.
- The Health Literacy Hub
The Health Literacy Hub is an initiative of Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD), in collaboration with the University of Sydney. It has online health literacy resources to help consumers to find and understand health-related information.
For health professionals, the Hub provides access to resources on health literacy and practical tools to aid communication with patients and the public.
- Canberra Health Literacy on Youtube
The Health Care Consumers' Association of the ACT's Youtube Channel hosts this playlist of previous Canberra Health Literacy Network webinars and panel discussions.
- HCCA Factsheet: Writing Clear Health Information
This factsheet includes key steps and tips to make written information clear for consumers. Clearly written health information makes it easy to:
- find the information we need
- understand how it applies to our situation
- put it into action.
These tips can be used by anyone who is writing about health or reviewing consumer information.
- HCCA Inclusive Health Care Factsheets for Health Providers
Making health services safe and welcoming for all consumers is important to supporting individual health literacy and creating a health literate environment. To support workers and services, HCCA has published 5 free resources for health providers who want to become more inclusive. They include:
These resources include links to key resources and advocacy organisations to help you keep improving your inclusive practice.
- Exploring good practice use of group identity labels to represent people of diverse sexualities, genders, bodies and relationships (2021)
A discussion paper developed by Meridian ACT. This paper presents the most up-to-date research on emerging practices in terminology use, offering an essential resource to organisations wishing to connect with the diverse communities they serve. This paper aims to foster and inform conversations about what terms are most appropriate when referring to people of diverse sexualities, genders, sex characteristics and relationships.
- HCCA Factsheet: Writing Clear Health Information
This factsheet includes key steps and tips to make written information clear for consumers. Clearly written health information makes it easy to:
- find the information we need
- understand how it applies to our situation
- put it into action.
These tips can be used by anyone who is writing about health or reviewing consumer information.
- Health Care for People Who Need Extra Support (2022)
This Guide, developed by Dr Rachel Skoss at Notre Dame University, is for anyone supporting a person with intellectual disability or a person who needs support to understand and navigate the health system. It is a guide to health literacy which includes practical information and links to resources to build the person’s knowledge and skills in managing their own health and support them to navigate the health system.
- Enliven Organisational Health Literacy Self-assessment Resource (2013)
This resource was developed in Victoria by the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University for Enliven, a health promotion charity.
This self-assessment tool is for health and social service organisations and is designed to guide and inform their development as health literate organisations. It is based on the 10 attributes of health literate organisations identified by the American Institute of Medicine. Each attribute has been operationalised as a set of evidence-based processes, outputs or outcomes that together constitute an appropriate response to health literacy at the organisational level.
- HeLLO Tas – A toolkit for Health Literacy Learning Organisations (2019)
This toolkit was developed in Tasmania by community sector workers for community sector and smaller community health organisations. It provides a step-by-step process for doing a self-assessment and developing a Health Literacy Action Plan, practical tools to help you with these tasks, links to accreditation standards, resources and further reading material. It will help you see what your organisation is already doing well and what else you could do to further enhance your services. It can also help you to meet quality improvement standards relating to outcomes for clients, consumer rights, evidence-based practice, and community development.
- Make it Easy: A Handbook for Becoming a Health Literate Organisation (2019)
This guide was developed in Victoria as a collaboration between HealthWest Partnership and Inner North West Primary Care Partnership. It is designed for health services but is also easy for community sector organisations to use.
This toolkit provides: a simple definition of what it means to be a health literate organisation, an explanation of the five requirements for being a health literate organisation, a five-step approach to becoming a health literate organisation and tools to help you get there.
- HCCA Resources for Health Services
HCCA has published more resources for health services and workers, including factsheets, templates and videos, on our website.
- Canberra Health Literacy on Youtube
The Health Care Consumers' Association of the ACT's Youtube Channel hosts this playlist of previous Canberra Health Literacy Network webinars and panel discussions.
- HCCA Factsheet: Writing Clear Health Information
This factsheet includes key steps and tips to make written information clear for consumers. Clearly written health information makes it easy to:
- find the information we need
- understand how it applies to our situation
- put it into action.
These tips can be used by anyone who is writing about health or reviewing consumer information.
- HCCA Inclusive Health Care Factsheets for Health Providers
Making health services safe and welcoming for all consumers is important to supporting individual health literacy and creating a health literate environment. To support workers and services, HCCA has published 5 free resources for health providers who want to become more inclusive. They include:
These resources include links to key resources and advocacy organisations to help you keep improving your inclusive practice.
- Communicating Risk to Patients (2014)
This guide was developed for the Irish College of General Practitioners.
This quick reference document focuses on the issue of communicating risk to patients in an effective way. It aims to provide the tools to: Calculate the natural risk of common clinical conditions; Calculate the impact of interventions; Use clear, concise, easily understood language to convey risk information; Use online resources and patient visual decision aids to convey risk information.
- Communicating Risks and Benefits: An Evidence-Based User’s Guide (2011)
This guide developed by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) covers basic background information on various aspects of communicating about risk in a variety of settings.
- First Do No Harm: A guide to choosing wisely in general practice
Produced by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), First do no harm: A guide to choosing wisely in general practice is a resource focused on reducing patient harms and avoiding low-value care. This online, ‘living’ resource will provide both general practitioners (GPs) and patients with information on:
- overused tests
- overdiagnosed and overtreated conditions
- interventions with insufficient evidence.
Importantly, First do no harm is designed to enable positive and constructive conversations between GPs and patients, providing information and tools to assist in shared decision making. First do no harm will help empower patients to make informed and balanced decisions about their health, including information they should consider asking their GP.
- Making Data Talk – A Workbook (2011)
This resource, produced in the US by the National Cancer Institute, provides key information, practical suggestions, and examples on how to effectively communicate health-related scientific data to the public, policy makers, and the media.
- CAHPS Health Literacy Item Sets
The Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in the US has developed some survey questions to measure the health literacy of communication between clinicians and patients. The goal of these questions is to capture the patients’ perspective on how well health information is communicated to them by health care professionals. They are useful as a measure of whether health care professionals have succeeded in reducing the health literacy demands they place on patients and as a quality improvement tool.
Providers can use patients’ responses to identify factors that may be affecting their scores on the survey’s communication measure and to improve their health literacy practices. For example, based on their survey results, providers could do the following:
- Identify specific topic areas for quality improvement (e.g., communication about test results, medications, and forms).
- Recognize particular behaviours that inhibit effective communication (e.g., talking too fast, using medical jargon).
- Assist in designing a safer, shame-free environment where patients feel comfortable discussing their health care concerns (e.g., showing interest in questions, explaining forms).
- Measure the effect of behaviours that promote effective communication (e.g., confirming understanding through teach-back, using visual aids).
- Exploring good practice use of group identity labels to represent people of diverse sexualities, genders, bodies and relationships (2021)
A discussion paper developed by Meridian ACT. This paper presents the most up-to-date research on emerging practices in terminology use, offering an essential resource to organisations wishing to connect with the diverse communities they serve. This paper aims to foster and inform conversations about what terms are most appropriate when referring to people of diverse sexualities, genders, sex characteristics and relationships.
- Guide to Producing and Sourcing Quality Health Information (2019)
The guide was developed for Victorian health services by the Centre for Health Communication and Participation, La Trobe University.
The Guide is based on Guideline in four key action areas: Governance, Partnering with consumers, Supporting health literacy, and Sharing resources. You can use this Guide to implement one or more of the Guidelines in your health service or use it as a self assessment tool to review your policies and practice against the Guidelines. Each of the four key guidelines has been mapped against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.
The Guide includes a Self-evaluation Toolkit and links to resources about interpersonal communication for health professionals.
The Guide covers health information presented in a variety of formats – print, digital, video and audio – and can be used by consumers, carers, clinicians and health administrators working to improve the quality of health information in their service.
- HCCA Factsheet: Writing Clear Health Information
This factsheet includes key steps and tips to make written information clear for consumers. Clearly written health information makes it easy to:
- find the information we need
- understand how it applies to our situation
- put it into action.
These tips can be used by anyone who is writing about health or reviewing consumer information.
- Health Literacy “How to” Guide
This Guide from the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK gives practical information, tools and techniques that health services and professional can use to support people with low levels of health literacy in both clinical and non-clinical settings.
The guide covers general, verbal and written communication and includes a number of useful tools. The guide also contains some wider background on health literacy.
- The Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 2nd edition (2015)
This toolkit from the American Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provides evidence-based help for health services to address health literacy and ensure that systems are in place to promote better understanding by all patients, not just those you think need extra assistance.
The Toolkit contains over 30 resources, such as sample forms, PowerPoint presentations, and worksheets that practices may use or revise to suit their need.
- The Patient Education Practice Guidelines for Health Care Professionals (2021)
These guidelines were developed by the Health Care Education Association in the United States to provide concise direction for frontline health care providers. The term “patient education” used in this guide is a broad classification that includes not only patients, but also consumers, family, friends, neighbours, guardians, significant other/partner or anyone else involved in providing care or support.
- The Health Literacy Environment of Hospitals and Health Centres, 2nd Edition (2019)
A guide by Rima Rudd et al from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
This guide and the review tools in it offer an approach for analysing health literacy-related barriers to healthcare access and navigation. The guide is designed to help health services and health care workers at hospitals or health centres to consider the health literacy environment of their facilities and identify ways to improve it.
You can also download the tool from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health website.
- Health Care for People Who Need Extra Support (2022)
This Guide, developed by Dr Rachel Skoss at Notre Dame University, is for anyone supporting a person with intellectual disability or a person who needs support to understand and navigate the health system. It is a guide to health literacy which includes practical information and links to resources to build the person’s knowledge and skills in managing their own health and support them to navigate the health system.
- Health Literacy – Taking action to improve safety and quality (2014)
This resource from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACQSHC), provides an overview of health literacy issues and priorities for action in Australian context.
You can find this and more health literacy resources on the ACQSHC website.
- Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message (2018)
Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message by Helen Osborne, M.Ed, is written for people who need to communicate health messages clearly and simply. This book is intended as an easy-to-use guide for health communications. It aims to inform and inspire you, not overwhelm you.
The book has won several awards of excellence. These include awards from the American Medical Writers Association
You can buy a copy of the book from Amazon, Kindle, and iBooks.
You can also sign up to follow Helen’s Health Literacy newsletter and podcast at her website.
- Ophelia (Optimising Health Literacy and Access)
The Ophelia project (Optimising Health Literacy and Access), run as a collaboration between Deakin University, Monash University, the Victorian Government and eight community sector organisations in Victoria, has developed a range of health literacy tools for Australia. The tools have been tested and validated in a number of different settings and countries. The tools include:
- Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ):
- Measures broad components that contribute to individual health literacy, rather than just literacy and numeracy skills.
- Provides information about what needs to be done to improve systems and services to support health literacy [i].
- It can be used for both individuals and communities.
- Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ):
- Evaluates health education and self-management programs
- Information and Support for Health Actions Questionnaire (ISHA-Q):
- Can be used for individuals and communities
- Was designed for cultures that often make decisions as a group
- eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ), Readiness and Enablement Index for Health Technology (READHY) & the Organisational Health Literacy Responsiveness Tool (Org-HLR):
- Helps organisations assess strengths and areas for further development in relation to systems, processes and practices
- Suits all organisations that play a role in providing health and health-related information, services and programs to individuals and communities
You can find out more about the tools and request access to them from the Centre for Global Health and Equity at Swinburne University.
- Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ):
- Three Steps to Better Health Literacy – a guide for health professionals (2014)
The Three Steps to Better Health Literacy – a guide for health professionals, 2014, was developed by the Health Quality and Safety Commission of New Zealand.
It is an excellent resource for health professionals to support health literate communication. It takes health professionals through a three-step process: Find out what people know; Build health literacy skills and knowledge; Check you were clear (and if not, go back to step 2).
You can also find the guide on the HQSC NZ website.
- Understanding Health Literacy
An article by Susan Reid and Cara White for the Best Practice Journal of New Zealand (2012, Issue 45, Pg 4-7) is an excellent overview of health literacy and its importance to health services, clinicians and allied health professionals. It has a New Zealand context but provides a good overview of the topic.
- Enliven Organisational Health Literacy Self-assessment Resource (2013)
This resource was developed in Victoria by the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University for Enliven, a health promotion charity.
This self-assessment tool is for health and social service organisations and is designed to guide and inform their development as health literate organisations. It is based on the 10 attributes of health literate organisations identified by the American Institute of Medicine. Each attribute has been operationalised as a set of evidence-based processes, outputs or outcomes that together constitute an appropriate response to health literacy at the organisational level.
- Health Literacy Review – A Guide (2015)
This resource was developed by the New Zealand Ministry of Health.
This guide will help you to carry out a health literacy review and build a health-literate organisation. The guide provides templates and examples of tools you can adapt for your organisation. It also has background information on health-literate organisations and health literacy.
- HeLLO Tas – A toolkit for Health Literacy Learning Organisations (2019)
This toolkit was developed in Tasmania by community sector workers for community sector and smaller community health organisations. It provides a step-by-step process for doing a self-assessment and developing a Health Literacy Action Plan, practical tools to help you with these tasks, links to accreditation standards, resources and further reading material. It will help you see what your organisation is already doing well and what else you could do to further enhance your services. It can also help you to meet quality improvement standards relating to outcomes for clients, consumer rights, evidence-based practice, and community development.
- International Self-Assessment Tool Organizational Health Literacy (Responsiveness) for Hospitals (2019)
A resource developed by the International Working Group – Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Literate Healthcare Organizations of the World Health Organisation.
This international self-assessment tool is designed to apply to a variety of health services and different health care contexts.
- Make it Easy: A Handbook for Becoming a Health Literate Organisation (2019)
This guide was developed in Victoria as a collaboration between HealthWest Partnership and Inner North West Primary Care Partnership. It is designed for health services but is also easy for community sector organisations to use.
This toolkit provides: a simple definition of what it means to be a health literate organisation, an explanation of the five requirements for being a health literate organisation, a five-step approach to becoming a health literate organisation and tools to help you get there.
- The Gippsland Guide to becoming a Health Literate Organisation (2015)
This guide was developed by Gippsland Primary Care Partnerships. The Guide specifically aligns with the accreditation standards of Victorian health services.
The Guide provides tools and resources to support your organisation to become more health literate.
They have also produced a Mini Health Literacy Checklist. The Checklist was created for smaller health services and organisations to monitor how their organisation is tracking toward best practice health literacy standards, the Ten Attributes of a Health Literate Organisation.
- The Health Literacy Handbook
The Health Literacy Handbook from Northern NSW Health Literacy, an initiative of the Northern NSW Local Health District and the North Coast Primary Health Network, is an easy to use guide to health literacy best practice in your health service. It provides an overview of health literacy and its importance in high quality and safe health care and for supporting consumers to be partners in their care and make informed decisions.
The Guide includes a comprehensive guide to how health literacy is linked to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and the Royal Australian College of General Physicians Standards for General Practices.
- Australian Indigenous Health Info
This website provides information on how to appropriately engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. The Culture Ways section provides information on the holistic nature of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander concept of health, and covers a number of key concepts like traditional healing and medicine, Men’s Business and Women’s Business. The Working with Community section focuses on how non-Indigenous people can respectfully work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, and looks at various cross-cultural issues, cultural learning and respect, ethics, and best-practice.
- Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health
A Victorian community organisation that aims to improve the health and well being of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. They offer cultural responsiveness training and have a number of resources for health providers.
- Consumer enablement guide: Culturally responsive practice
Information for clinicians on Culturally Responsive Practice from the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation
- Cultural competency in the delivery of health services for indigenous groups
Issues Paper, 2015, Australian Institute for Health and Welfare, Closing the Gap Clearinghouse.
- Cultural Respect Framework 2016–2026 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
From the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, Council of Australian Governments Health Council.
- Culturally Responsive Clinical Practice: Working with People from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds
Competency Standards Framework for Clinicians, January 2019. These standards were produced by the Migrant and Refugee Women’s Health Partnership and are widely endorsed by medical professional colleges and boards.
- Culturally Responsive Clinical Practice: Working with People from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds – Competency Standards Framework For Clinicians
January 2019, Migrant and Refugee Women’s Health Partnership.
- Culturally safe health care for Indigenous Australians
July 2020, Australian Institute for Health and Welfare
- EthnoMed
An American website that aims to make information about culture, language, health, illness and community resources directly accessible to health care providers who see patients from different ethnic groups. EthnoMed was designed to be used in clinics by care providers in the few minutes before seeing a patient in clinic. For instance, before seeing a Cambodian patient with asthma, a provider might access the website to learn how the concept of asthma is translated and about common cultural and interpretive issues in the Cambodian community that might complicate asthma management.
- Health Translations
An initiative of the Victorian Government. They provide health professionals and community members with reliable, accurate, and up to date health and wellbeing information in over 100 languages. The website provides a link to multilingual resources published by government departments, peak health bodies, hospitals, and community health and welfare organisations.
- Healthy Horizons
Healthy Horizons is a website for women from refugee and migrant backgrounds developed by Harmony Alliance and RANZCOG. It has easy, in-language, video and text information on a variety of issues. The topics include contraception, sexual health, mental health, skin health, breast cancer, rare diseases, and more. You can also read the site in Arabic or Simplified Chinese.
- Migrant & Refugee Health Partnership
A multisectoral partnership that brings together health professionals and the community to address systemic barriers to health access for migrant and refugee communities. Their goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of migrant and refugee communities by consolidating cross-sector knowledge and expertise, fostering good policy and supporting culturally competent practice.
- NSQHS Standards User Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Information on Improving Cultural Competency from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
- Consumer Enablement Guide
The NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation has produced a Consumer Enablement Guide which provides a range of health literacy resources that aim to support consumer enablement and improve self-management outcomes. Consumer enablement is a term used by NSW Health to encompass health literacy, and they define it as the extent to which people understand their health conditions and have the confidence, skills, knowledge and ability to manage their health and wellbeing.
- Health Literacy Northern NSW
Health Literacy Northern NSW is a joint project between the Northern NSW Local Health District and the North Coast Primary Health Network. The website has a wide range of information and resources for both consumers and health services and professionals.
- Sydney Health Literacy Lab
The Sydney Health Literacy Lab is located within the University of Sydney School of Public Health and the Westmead Health Literacy Hub. They conduct research into a wide range of health literacy and patient engagement areas. The Lab is also a founding partner of Wiser Healthcare, an Australian research collaboration investigating overdiagnosis and overtreatment.
You can review the results of their research and published articles here.
- The Health Literacy Hub
The Health Literacy Hub is an initiative of Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD), in collaboration with the University of Sydney. It has online health literacy resources to help consumers to find and understand health-related information.
For health professionals, the Hub provides access to resources on health literacy and practical tools to aid communication with patients and the public.
- The Health Literacy Place
The Health Literacy Place is a website of the Scottish National Health Service. The site provides evidence, information and tools to support health literacy best practice for health services and professionals.
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Last Updated on 3 January, 2024.